
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Fancy Switcher Brings HTC Sense & Cover Flow-Inspired Multitasking To Android

There was a time when even the most diehard Android users would argue against the number of apps available for the platform. This no longer applies now, as Android has not only dominated the market by becoming the most widely used mobile OS, but the variety of apps has also increased. Developers now pay close attention to Google’s open source OS in order to provide unique app experiences not found on iOS or Windows Phone. Fancy Switcher is a new app from XDA-Developers member JKab that takes advantage of Android’s multitasking capabilities, and lets you switch apps in a fancier manner, showcasing app previews in neat cards (reminiscent of the HTC Sense app switcher) coupled with eye catching animations...

Fancy Switcher is a lot more than just a simple app switcher. Besides looking captivating, it’s also fairly customizable. When launched, it showcases a walkthrough to introduce you to its many features. Fancy Switcher packs a punch when it comes to customization. Though, many of those features are available as in-app paid upgrades.
It can be launched anytime from the persistent notification it adds to the notification area.
Fancy Switcher Fancy Switcher_Cover
The beautiful design presents app thumbnails in two different styles: Classic and Coverflow, and you can choose your desired style from the Settings screen. The latter seems more attractive, but takes a bit more resources to load. Though, that shouldn’t be much of an issue on modern devices.
Another interesting bit is the app’s ‘Smart-Slider’ feature, which lets you quickly access the last used app from anywhere in the OS simply by swiping in from the left edge of the screen. You’ll see the app’s preview thumbnail being dragged in when you do so. You can also drag the thumbnail back to quickly access Fancy Switcher itself.
You can slide the previews downwards to kill the associated apps individually while tapping the trash icon kills all apps. The pie chart icon displays all ‘Running Services’.

Fancy Switcher_Slide switch Fancy Switcher_Settings
As far as customization is concerned, you can easily switch preview styles between classic and coverflow under visual settings, change the background opacity of the switcher, configure scroll settings such as speed, motion (reversed or normal), and loop scrolling. The Smart Slider feature is configurable as well. For example, you specify its area of effect and position (Gold version only) on the screen.
In addition, there’s a More Settings screen where you can toggle 3D icon effect, switch the default switcher app, and disable the aforementioned notification icon, among a few other generic options.
Fancy Switcher_Scroll Settings Fancy Switcher_Smart slide Fancy Switcher_More
There’s absolutely no shortage of app switchers at the Play Store, but if you’re looking for one that strikes a balance between looks and customization, give Fancy Switcher a go.

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