
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Runtastic Music Is A Minimal Companion Audio Player For Runtastic Exercise Apps

Runtastic is a well-regarded name when it comes to fitness apps. The developer has released some really awesome Android and iOS apps in the past aimed at athletes, body builders and workout aficionados as well as the average joe to get and stay in good shape. Just yesterday, we covered the recently released Runtastic Six Pack Abs Workout that guides users through several workout techniques such as curls, crunches, twists, leg lifts and other exercises to help them get the perfect abs. There was mention of Runtastic Music in our review and today, we’ll be taking a closer look at how this music player app works...

Runtastic Music acts as a companion app that lets you play your favorite tunes during exercise. The app is built to work in conjunction with Runtastic apps and lets you control playback from them while you use those to guide you through your exercise, but can also work pretty nicely as a standalone music player. It sports a decent interface, with all the common music playback features you’d expect from an app in this genre. The UI seems to be a blend of Google’s Holo Light and Windows Phone’s Modern UI, and looks snappy as well as easy to navigate.
When launched, Runtastic Music quickly scans through all your music files and loads them up. The main screen carries different tabs that let you navigate between different sections of the app and sort music based on Genres, Songs, Albums, and Recent. Moreover, you can create playlists and add your desired songs to them for quick access.
Runtastic Music Runtastic Music Music
You can instantly start listening to your favorite song by simply tapping on it, upon which playback controls show up at the bottom of the screen, letting you quickly pause/resume playback and skip to previous or next song. The app also lets you queue up songs for playback without having to create a playlist.
Runtastic Music is supposed to support album cover art but in my run, it failed to recognize and display cover art for music I added to it. For missing cover art, the app displays big bold colorful tiles in place.
Runtastic Music Playlist PLayback
I wouldn’t call Runtastic Music a feature-rich application in any manner. It’s a decent app that just works and can prove useful should you already use one of the developer’s many fitness apps and want to listen music during your workout.

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