
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Kronia Browser For Android Offers An Intuitive, Clutter-Less UI For Faster Browsing

Web Browsers are an important part of smartphones. People often rely on the internet for news, entertainment, and social networking tools, and even work is now moving towards the web. Although the stock web browser in Android sets the bar high for internet surfing on the go, there are an umpteen number of third party apps on the Google Play Store that provide a wide spectrum of features, ranging from gesture-based controls to plugin support and whatnot. Kronia Browser is a new entry for Android that aims to make mobile web surfing simple and painless. Its minimalistic interface makes browsing not only intuitive but also fairly fun...

The first thing you will notice is how simple and plain looking Kronia Browser is. There are no distracting GUI elements. The only thing you will occasionally encounter is the URL bar that floats at the bottom. The URL bar displays a website’s title and description in a slider/ticker after the browser is done loading the page.
You can also switch between mobile and desktop modes on the fly from the browser’s options menu, which can be called by hitting the Settings key on your device (or in the Navigation Bar). The menu also lets you add the current webpage to bookmarks, set it as the homepage, share its link, search in page, access settings or exit Kronia.
Kronia-Browser-for-Android Kronia-Browser-Android-settings
If you’re a tab junkie who tends to surf tens of pages simultaneously, then Kronia’s Tabs menu will also leave you impressed. You can bring out the tabs bar by swiping in from the left edge of your screen. After that, you can switch between your tabs, close tabs by dragging them left or right, and add a new tab to your session by hitting the ‘+’ button. Likewise, swiping in from right edge brings out the Bookmarks bar. A major drawback I noticed in the bookmarks feature is that users can’t sync their bookmarks to the cloud, an option now commonly found in many other browser apps.
The Settings screen only carries a basic set of options. You can enable sliding title for the URL bar and tabs, set the screen to always stay on while you’re using the browser, enable full-screen mode to hide the status bar, toggle images, Javascript, plug-ins, and a few other generic settings.
Tabs Bookmarks Settings
Kronia isn’t the most feature-laden browser around, and that is where its strength lies; it provides fast web surfing through a simple, unobtrusive interface.

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