
Saturday, October 20, 2012

View Latest Price Drops Of Android Apps In The Play Store With AppZapp


AppZapp is a cross-platform, free mobile app discovery tool for Android and iOS-powered devices, with a dedicated desktop-based syncing solution for App Store users. Besides being a neatly-designed app exploration tool, AppZapp excels in bringing its users the latest price drops and offers on apps from their respective mobile app stores. In addition, it helps you find the latest apps to hit the market, check update changelogs of your favorite apps, stay informed of price changes for paid apps, and bookmark favorite apps to monitor their progress in terms of price, as well as updates. Alongside each app, you’re presented with a brief description, technical details, screenshots, star ratings, graphical representation of price changes over time, and a link to its store page. The iOS variant of the app has been around for a while, while the Android version has just recently been released to the Play Store.,,

It’s not that AppZapp is the first or only Android app discovery tool that focuses on keeping users apprised of price drops, but from the aesthetics and functionality viewpoint, it simply puts all other existing alternatives to shame.
Although registration isn’t required to start exploring the app, if you’re interested in bookmarking your favorite apps along the way, you must be logged in with an AppZapp account. Registration is free, and can be done from within the app.
By default, the app opens to the Offers screen that lists the latest price changes in Android apps on the Google Play Store. Color coded bars alongside app titles indicate an increase or decrease in price of apps, as well as apps that have been recently updated with new features. The original and updated price of each app is listed along with its title, supplemented by further details, such as the app genre, star ratings and the number of AppZap likes. Hitting an app title reveals a shortcut to its Play Store screen and further details, such as its description, price graph, changelog, compatibility and screenshots. There are a couple of toggles under the Lists & Alerts menu that allow you to enable or disable notifications forPrice and Update alerts.
Tapping the menu button in the top-left corner reveals the app’s main menu, containing the search bar and sections for the latest OffersNew appsUpdatesChanges and your personal AppZapp bookmarks.
As helpful a tool as it might be, the Android variant of AppZapp currently lacks a couple of key features. Firstly, if you are a regular app shopper, you’d agree that a home screen widget should be offered along with an app like AppZapp. Moreover, it may support filtering apps in multiple ways, but there is no option for browsing apps by category, which is quite unusual for an app discovery tool. Finally, you can’t determine the usefulness of an app – no matter how well-rated and low-priced it may be – without going through a sufficient amount of user reviews. Although you could use the review on an app’s Play Store page as reference, it would be slightly more convenient if the app displayed these, or user reviews of its own, on each app’s description page
All in all, AppZapp happens to be a handy tool that can save you from all the hassle involved in checking the latest price drops in the Play Store manually. In fact, in my humble opinion, the implementation of one or two of the aforementioned suggestions and a touch of social media integration might very well help AppZapp make its mark in its genre.

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